Hello! Welcome to my website and blog
My name is Paul, and I started this site as a place to share my thoughts about being a Christian in the world today. My main goal is always to compare what I see in the world, to the practical application of biblical teaching, and write about it in my blog.
I may share my thoughts from examining public actions taken by Christians, or public figures that quote the Bible; do their actions appear as what the Bible tells us they should look like? I may share my thoughts on what non-Christians or political figures are doing and compare that to what the Bible says. I may even share my own stories, about when I was put to the test as to whether or not I would live what I say I believe. I think it’s a great place to even talk about the difference between what Christians seem to believe, and the practical application of what the Bible actually says.
I am Salt and Prepper: You may have noticed that the name of the site and tagline at the top of the page may sound slightly arrogant, but let me explain what I mean by them. Let’s start with the site name. I believe these are the two main aspects that a Christian needs to be concerned with in their walk. If you’re a Christian and have read the Gospels, you know that Jesus referred to his disciples as salt in Matthew 5:13. Salt may seem like a strange way to describe people, that is until you discover all the different things that salt is good for.
Salt is necessary for life, and it’s also a great metaphor as a medium to spread the Gospel. The prepper aspect refers to the idea that Christians also need to prepare for Jesus’ return, and that can be found in the Bible along with instructions on how to be salt. I believe that when you live life as “salt” and as a “prepper” you will be the light to the world that Jesus described in Matthew 5:16. “I am Salt and Prepper” can be said and applied by anyone who wants to live that way, not just me. Go ahead and say it, I think you’ll like the way it sounds when you do.
“Unconventional Wisdom…for a Conventional World” doesn’t refer necessarily to my wisdom, but to the wisdom found in the Bible. While we all gain a certain amount of wisdom as we go through life, the Bible contains all the wisdom we need to stay on track throughout our whole lives, from beginning to end. Typically people will turn to the government, science, or even fantasy fiction in order to find an answer, which are the conventional places to find wisdom today. I’ll be applying that “unconventional wisdom” in my posts when discussing every topic we come across in this “conventional world”.
I sincerely hope you find my posts and content interesting!